I am Toby

Hi there! My name is Toby. I'm 3 parts Poodle, 1 part Shih Tzu and all brown fur. I live with Daddy John, Mommy Michele and Mommy's sister Crystal. Daddy and Mommy absolutely adore me, although I don't quite know what to think when Daddy calls me '3 black dots in a sea of brown'. I think it's a reference to my black eyes and big black nose. Welcome to my little blog. I'll try to update it as often as possible to keep your little doggy paws out of mischief. Woof!

Thursday, January 04, 2007

My first Christmas!

I miss Christmas already. After all, how often do i get to dress up looking like a little elf, green trimmings and all?

Toby christmas

Bailey enjoyed his first Christmas as well! He looked lovely with a red hat; i think it matches his white fur really well!

Bailey christmas

I'm looking forward to this new year. So many more treats to eat, stuff to destroy and people to annoy! So exciting!

Thanks to Gavin for the pictures!