Hi there! My name is Toby. I'm 3 parts Poodle, 1 part Shih Tzu and all brown fur. I live with Daddy John, Mommy Michele and Mommy's sister Crystal. Daddy and Mommy absolutely adore me, although I don't quite know what to think when Daddy calls me '3 black dots in a sea of brown'. I think it's a reference to my black eyes and big black nose. Welcome to my little blog. I'll try to update it as often as possible to keep your little doggy paws out of mischief. Woof!
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Here comes the relos!
Mommy's cousin in Sydney came visiting us in March and put up at our place for five days. She brought her husband and her little girl Tasha along with her. Tasha never warmed up to me for the entire duration of her stay. She'll cry and scream and yell whenever I got near her.
All I wanted to do was say hi, sniff her and lick her hands. But she doesn't seem to have any experience with animals. Which is sad. I think all animals (and me!) are wonderful beings and we enrich humans lives just as much as they enrich ours.
Yet, strangely enough, Tasha warmed up to me the day her family's leaving for home. She didn't cry when I approached her and she even allow me to lick her. Mommy did encourage Tasha to approach me by holding me down. I have a tendency to over-react by snapping when I'm unsure of things.
Daddy took a video of Tasha and I trying to get along. I think I did pretty well in the presence of a young lady! Woof!
Fast forward two months and renovation works to the house were finally over. It was the middle of March - the dying days of summer and it was hell bent on expending all its heat onto Melbourne before fading away.
Here's Mommy, Daddy and I in Daddy's room. It's hardly big, but Daddy's really proud to have his own room. He often told me how much he wanted his own room as he never had one before. These days I lounge around in Daddy's room more often than he does. Daddy's room? Woof!
If you look closely enough you can just spot Mommy and Daddy sweating profusely underneath their tops. And I couldn't stop panting! It was really hot then! If I remember correctly it was 40 degrees days and 30 degrees nights!
Doggy fact: Apologies for the poor picture quality. Between Mommy and Daddy, Daddy's the better photographer :O
Daddy loves taking pictures of me sleeping on my back. He thinks it's cute. I think he's annoying. Doesn't he know it's rude to take pictures of dogs who're fast asleep. Hello, superstitious here!
PS: I remember those days. Mommy and Daddy didn't have a room to sleep in, as the rooms weren't ready to be moved into. But they were always accomodating and I spent the nights with them in the same bed. We spent three weeks sleeping in the living area in rather dusty and dirty conditions. Ahhhh, good times. Woof!
After years of rental madness and months of moving grief, Mommy and Daddy finally moved into their own home in January. In order to save on rent, they moved in when the house wasn't ready to be moved in. I don't know what to make of it, the house wasn't painted. The floors weren't done and the old carpets stank. It just wasn't ready for a young couple to move into. But they did it. My parents are weird like that.
Daddy - who calls me Mr Curious due to my propensity to sniff and check out everything - caught me unawares here with painting in progress in the bathroom.
Turned out Aunty Crystal had a prezzie for me as well! I'm beginning to like this whole Christmas shenanigans. If you failed to guess what I received in the previous post, try guessing what this is! Woof!
Mommy bought me a present on a very special day. I still don't quite understand what Christmas is all about, but hey I got another toy! Mommy caught me on video as I opened my prezzie. Yay!
Hello! I've been really busy in the last six months so this blog has been neglected. No more! I promise to blog more with my little paws! Woof!
Here's an old picture of myself back in November 2007, chilling on my couch, sleeping. Daddy and Mommy got a little mischievous and decided to spruce me up with some dodgy headgear.