I seem to have gotten bigger this week. And stronger. Just yesterday i was on my hind legs for a good minute, leaning my front paws against Daddy. 10 days ago, the iron bars that seperate me from this large room and the outside world was much too big for me; i could squeeze throught them. Now, only my head fits in there. And i struggle to pull my head back out. I think Mommy was laughing at me. So was Daddy. Not funny!

As you can see, i'm not much larger than a toilet bowl. Daddy and Mommy puts me up there when they need to clean my paws and clean my 'bum bum'. Daddy uses it to punish me as well. How did he know of my fear of heights? I can't jump down, it's so scary! I'm absolutely terrified up there. I can't even move. Daddy just stands away from me and says 'Bad Dog!" I hope he recognises my guilty look.
I spend so much time in this large room, i've gotten to know the place really well. Every morning, Daddy and Mommy would come in and do funny things with water and a hot loud machine that steams your hair. I like sitting in the corner and watch them. I really appreciate what Daddy and Mommy does for me; imagine cleaning and wiping up my poo and pee several times a day! I wouldn't do it!
Also, there's a new routine this week that i really look forward to. Daddy brings me out of the large room and sits me down with the scary white dog. I think his name is Bailey. Daddy, Mommy and the 2 strangers living here always call him that. I like playing with Bailey, particularly sniffing his 'doody'. It always smells of pee. Strange, i think he's missing his testicles.
Coz i'm so small, Bailey towers over me. I hate it when other dogs think i'm a pushover. I'm so not! I'm training to be a stronger and taller dog, so Bailey wouldn't push me with his paws. I like him though, he doesn't bite me. He looks more interested in figuring me out. Perhaps i'll give him my mobile number in a few days. We could go hang out.
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