A new beginning
Hello again! It's been an exciting 2 weeks. I've been doing a lot of reading so my English has gotten better! Kudos to Daddy for that! He may be Asian, but his English is doggone good! Woof!
Daddy and Mommy have been busy with their lives; Daddy has been coming home late from work every night and Mommy has a new job. The schedule they've gotten me used to is now a thing of the past. These days Mommy comes home by 6pm and plays with me, while Daddy is in charge of washing me up and feeding.
When i say schedule, i mean, for the last 2 months i've been living in that big room with the toilet bowl. I already know where to go to whenever i need to relieve myelf, and my feeds and sleeping habits have been very regular.
But 3 days ago, Mommy brought me to a scary place with other doggies and animals. A large strange man inserted a needle into me while i wagging my tail and i wasn't too happy after that. It stung! But after awhile, i felt strong!
And a strange thing happened - Mommy attached a rope to me and let me onto the ground! I've never seen anything like this before! I've always been carried around, and now, i don't know what to think! I got so exicted, i ran and ran and ran and ran. And i got pooped so i fell asleep while everyone was having tea.

One of the first things Daddy and Mommy taught me was how to climb and descent from a flight of stairs. You see, i'm so small, climbing and descending is a real hassle.

I am so scared of stairs. Why do they exist? They're taller than my legs, and it requires so much effort to attempt at them.
Well i'm off to do more studying on stairs. I suppose if i put my doggy mind to it, i'd succeed.
Tummy Rub!

I've grown so big these few weeks. When Daddy and Mommy brought me home 6 weeks ago, i weighed just over a kilogram and was the tiniest little brown thing. Now, i'm just under two kilograms and, though i still can't hold a candle to Bailey in size and his dodgy music tastes, i'm able to do things i couldn't usually do! Like jump and grab the laundry! Bark really loudly and obnoxiously! Tug at Daddy's jeans! Run away with Mommy's slippers! Destroy a brand new roll of toilet paper! I'm so tough and cool!
So exciting! Yay!
Wet Poochie!

I don't think i've ever looked so sad with a hot shower! Mommy reckons i look like a sausage dog!
Getting Along
Big white Bailey and i have been playing a lot more lately. Mommy and Daddy let me out to play with the him at least once a day. I really enjoy playing with Bailey. He builds up my strength. Bailey is easily 2.5 times my size. I've to puff out my furry chest and look big. But apart from that, i have little use for him. We bite each other till he's wet with my saliva and i'm wet with his. Sometimes Bailey bites me too hard and i let out a loud yelp. Mommy and Daddy stand around the area, watching me play. Bailey's Mommy and Daddy hover around too at time.
I really don't think Bailey and i have anything in common though. He likes Sunday matinees while i prefer an action flick. He spends his free time polishing pewter and listening to Bach. I'd rather be tick and flea infested than sit through a Bach composition! Our distaste for each other is rather apparent. We play so rough and bite so hard; we have to be seperated by both Mommies and Daddies everytime we play. We never really make it to 20 minutes, which is Daddy's preferred meet-and-greet session.
But this one time last week, Bailey and i actually got along! It was really civil. Turns out i found Bailey's chew toy. Bailey didn't know what to make of it.

These gentle sessions are few and far between. Try as i might, i haven't been able to find Bailey's chew toy no more. Since then, all out meet-and-greet sessions have been rather violent. And each time, i'm the loser.
I hate my small furry body. Why can't i grow up big and strong tomorrow?
Looking through my photoalbums
I've only been here for over a month, and Daddy and Mommy have already amassed a large collection of pictures. Pictures of me! I'm so happy. I'm glad Daddy and Mommy love me whole-heartedly, regardless of the number of broken sleep hours or mess i've made. I love Daddy and Mommy. They make me really happy and secure. When i grow big and strong like them, and have babies, i wish to show them how i looked when i was really little.
Here's a picture of me on the dining table (layered with my favourite bedsheet, the newspapers!) on Day 2. I've grown so much since! Daddy's head is bigger than my brownsome self!