Picture From The PastDaddy found some old pictures of me. Well, not too old. But old enough to remind me of the days when I had to walk around with half my head shaved off! Grrrrr...Mommy was posing with me in this picture. You might be able to make out the missing tuft of hair on my head. My fur was definitely much longer then.
Daddy took a family shot of the three of us. Well, kind of. I was too busy moving around to get a good shot. You can definitely see the bald strip on my chest in this picture.
Baby!Mommy's good friends Danielle and Jack visited us one day. Danielle had just given birth to baby Finn and Mommy was keen to see how Finn looked like. I didn't like one look about this Finn character. He looks kind of dodgy, and he's so small. Surely someone smaller than I am must be cuter than I am. No! I am the cutest! No two woofs about it!
I Look Kinda Naked...Daddy turned on the big heater in the lounge last week. Winter has arrived and it's extremely cold outside. Taking advantage of the heat at home, Daddy did my laundry, washed my toys and gave me a bath.I look kind of naked with short hair don't I? Mommy calls me a skinny bum bum. I think it's a reference to how I always shake my ass (bum bum) when I'm excited and I'm kind of, eh, skinny.

I love you Daddy.
Sleeping With The Enemy...I Mean The DuckOne of my favourite toys is the little yellow duck. It squeaks when I step or chew on it. In fact, I love it so much, I take it along with me everywhere I go. I even take it to sleep!
Toby ver 2.0 - the one with the hairSo a lot of people have been asking how I looked like now, after the rash and hair debacle last month. Well, guess what, Daddy and Mommy felt that a proud puppy like me cannot be seen walking around the streets of Brunswick with half a haircut.*Anyway, this is how I look these days. Daddy and Mommy have instructed the nice lady at the pet shop to trim off all my body hair to accomodate the short half of my hair cut. Daddy took this picture in Crystal's room, while I'm busy doing what I do best: stare at the tennis ball and hoping someone would throw it so I can pick it up, drop it at their feet and do it all over again.
I don't look too bad now aye?
This is probably what Daddy sees when he looks down at me sternly with his manly voice, telling me to behave.
Well, the short hair cut is not well appreciated among my puppy walk community. It's winter now and all my friends are laughing at my bald state. Well just you wait doggies! Give me another three months!* Has anyone seen Daddy's haircut these days? He's got this half-head shaved mullet-emo thing going. No dog deserving of a Daddy will have a Daddy looking like that! Daddy, get a makeover!