I am Toby

Hi there! My name is Toby. I'm 3 parts Poodle, 1 part Shih Tzu and all brown fur. I live with Daddy John, Mommy Michele and Mommy's sister Crystal. Daddy and Mommy absolutely adore me, although I don't quite know what to think when Daddy calls me '3 black dots in a sea of brown'. I think it's a reference to my black eyes and big black nose. Welcome to my little blog. I'll try to update it as often as possible to keep your little doggy paws out of mischief. Woof!

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Look at me and my throne!

As Daddy, Mommy and Aunty are out most parts of the day, I've developed a really curious relationship with the lounge sofa. I like nothing more than to sleep and spread my limbs out regally on it like a King. When the family's home watching a DVD in the lounge, I hate having to fight for a seat on the couch!

Here's a quieter moment of me and my throne.

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