And the poopy goes here
So Mommy was completely grossed out by this. I wasn't too keen on showing this to the public myself. But Daddy was insistent; he reckons everyone out there - dog owners or not - should have a look at what a deworming tablet does to a young puppy. Or at least the puppy's intestines.
Yup! Daddy force-fed me a quarter piece of VitaPet's Broad Spectrum All Wormer one late evening, and went off to sleep. I don't know what happened in the next few hours, but i felt like my tummy was having a party. I wasn't the most comfortable puppy that night.
But the next morning, Daddy woke up to find this little piece of turd on the papers, proudly presented to you in THX and dead worms!

Daddy was quite stunned. In fact, he woke up without his funny looking glasses, noticed something strange about my poopy, ran to put on his glasses and grabbed his camera and dashed back to promptly keep my wormy poopy for posterity. In picture format of course.
And all this while i was yapping away in the basin, which Daddy had conveniently placed me on. Stop that Daddy! I can't have a firm footing on the wet surface!
If you're just darn curious, check out the magnified picture of the dead worms. Eurgh!
In Puppy News This Week...
The big white dog Bailey seems to bear a lot of resemblance to the white dragon from The Neverending Story. Daddy, Mommy and the other 2 strangers at home call him White Dragon from time to time. Why don't they have a cool name for me as well?
White Dragon likes to visit me. However, i find that the latch to my door is always firmly in place; try as i might i can never seem to unlock the latch.
So here's Bailey the White Dragon, peering into my humble abode, trying to suss me out.

He likes sniffing and chewing on my reinforced door, which makes me happy. Because that means somebody else loves me! (or wants to bite me, if you're the eternal pessimist) So more often than not, this is how our meetings are conducted - on hindlegs.

One of the stranger in the other big room loves telling me how she wished i'd be bigger sooner so i could run around the house. Now i don't know why she'll like that. Does she want me out of my comfortable room? The idea of running around like a free stallion on speed doesn't really appeal to me. I like this place really much thanks!
I seem to have gotten bigger this week. And stronger. Just yesterday i was on my hind legs for a good minute, leaning my front paws against Daddy. 10 days ago, the iron bars that seperate me from this large room and the outside world was much too big for me; i could squeeze throught them. Now, only my head fits in there. And i struggle to pull my head back out. I think Mommy was laughing at me. So was Daddy. Not funny!

As you can see, i'm not much larger than a toilet bowl. Daddy and Mommy puts me up there when they need to clean my paws and clean my 'bum bum'. Daddy uses it to punish me as well. How did he know of my fear of heights? I can't jump down, it's so scary! I'm absolutely terrified up there. I can't even move. Daddy just stands away from me and says 'Bad Dog!" I hope he recognises my guilty look.
I spend so much time in this large room, i've gotten to know the place really well. Every morning, Daddy and Mommy would come in and do funny things with water and a hot loud machine that steams your hair. I like sitting in the corner and watch them. I really appreciate what Daddy and Mommy does for me; imagine cleaning and wiping up my poo and pee several times a day! I wouldn't do it!
Also, there's a new routine this week that i really look forward to. Daddy brings me out of the large room and sits me down with the scary white dog. I think his name is Bailey. Daddy, Mommy and the 2 strangers living here always call him that. I like playing with Bailey, particularly sniffing his 'doody'. It always smells of pee. Strange, i think he's missing his testicles.
Coz i'm so small, Bailey towers over me. I hate it when other dogs think i'm a pushover. I'm so not! I'm training to be a stronger and taller dog, so Bailey wouldn't push me with his paws. I like him though, he doesn't bite me. He looks more interested in figuring me out. Perhaps i'll give him my mobile number in a few days. We could go hang out.
I Hate This RoomSo Daddy and Mommy have had me locked up in this large room. Sometimes Daddy comes in and stands in front of this oval contraption, pulls down his pants and starts shooting a jet of water from his body. Mommy and Daddy also take turns performing some kind of water stunt twice a day. They always smell nice after they step out, though it does get rather warm; i often see steam rising from the water enclosure they're in.I hate being left alone. Really, i do. Daddy and Mommy come in everyday and spend about an hour with me each. Daddy's been trying to train me, particularly this command called 'Sit'. Does anybody know what Daddy's trying to tell me? He keeps trying to press my bum-bum down onto the ground. I think it's more fun just jumping on his lap and sniffing his shorts. Or scratching him.I found something fun to do - chewing on body parts! Daddy and Mommy always come right to my face and growl this funny word called 'No'. I refuse to listen. I like chewing! It's such a wonderful activity. There're no better activities than chewing on your Daddy's fingers or Mommy's bra strap.Daddy got really frustrated with me yesterday and left the large room in a fit. If only i knew what 'Sit' means! I was crying for a long, long time but Daddy didn't return. I dozed off in my tear-stained comfy bed, only to find Daddy returning next to me awhile later, brushing my furry brown coat! Daddy wasn't angry with me! Yay!Uh-uh, here comes that huge white dog. I'd better go hide.
Puppy TraumaHello there furry friends!It's been a traumatising few days for me. I'm coping pretty well with my new environment and acclimatising with all the fresh sounds, scents and sights.Speaking of traumatising, my trip from the pet shop to my new home was terrifying. Come to think of it, i believe i'd have chosen being bitten repeatedly on my tail than brave the cold Melbourne air or loud traffic sounds. I was so affected by the sudden change, my stomach gave up on me and my first elimination in my new home yielded this:
My stomach's all okay now. I have fresh puppy food and water everyday; Daddy and Mommy are incredibly patient and are rather strict with my activities. Many times my pleas and cries are ignored. I feel so lonely. Why can't they understand?
Hello there furry friends! Welcome to my first post!
I'd like to introduce myself before this blog takes off. My name is Toby, and my birthday is on 7th July, which makes me just over 8 weeks old today. I'm 1200 grams and can't really walk too well. However i'm an intelligent puppy, and reckon i can talk better than my walk. Hence, this blog.I was taken away from my doggy mom on the 3rd of July and sent to an ugly and smelly place where human beings were constantly staring at me through a see-through wall. My brother was there with me too. We spent our first night yelling and screaming. I miss my doggy mom.I don't quite understand why people smile when they see me. Do they like me? I got tired of all the unnecessary attention by the end of the 2nd day in uglysmelly place.However, on the 3rd day, Daddy and Mommy walked into the uglysmelly place. Mommy saw me first and couldn't stop smiling and see-through wall tapping. I think i was fast asleep. When i got up later my brother told me Mommy is interested in me. That's scary isn't it? I'm only 8.5 weeks old!Before i knew it, the uglysmelly people in uniform unlocked the see-through wall and roughly picked me up. I just had a nice brown poop and wanted to sniff it; these uglysmelly people don't know any better! Anyway Mommy really liked me, and then Daddy came along. I nearly died of fright when Daddy picked me up! He's got such tall hair! And he talks funny, everytime he speaks, it's fuck this, what the fuck that.But Daddy was gentle with me. And he smells nice too. I showed him my appreciation and licked all over his face. Daddy seemed to like it immensely. I saw Daddy and Mommy talking for awhile, and before i know, Mommy was cradling me in her bosoms, and we're on the way to their home. I cried in the cab, as i never got a chance to bid my brother goodbye. I'll miss you brother.So it's my third day in my new home. I don't know what to think of it really. There's newspaper all over the place. And Daddy and Mommy are never around in the afternoon. And there's another doggy friend in the new home. He's 5 times my size and doesn't seem to like me really much.
I'm hungry now. I'm gona find something to eat. The newspaper looks tasty.
Come back soon for my next story!