Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Birrarung Marr
Daddy, Mommy, Aunty and their two friends brought me out to Birrarung Marr several weeks ago. It was a nice, sunny day. The winter chill didn't make it all that fun though. I've been out too many times, but I remember this trip with great fondness. I couldn't remember seeing another dog in the vicinity, which meant I could boss the entire place. One dog to rule them all! Woof!

Clearly, I enjoyed the large, open space.

The Melbourne weather can be deceiving. Though the sun was out, it was really cold and windy. Daddy and I shared a warm moment together.

Aunty had a special message for me that day - stay still while you're on camera!

Saturday, August 11, 2007
Good riddance to doggy rubbish
Aunty Crystal works in a magazine shop. Several weeks ago Daddy and Mommy brought me along to surprise Aunty at work. She was so pleased with my visit, she thought she'll place me in the recycling bin, just for laughs.
Clearly, I'm the only one who didn't like the joke.

Get me out of here!

My birthday - July 7
I've been so busy in the last month, so much so I completely forgot to tell you I turned one year old! Daddy and Mommy bought me a muffin on this special day, and put my favourite toys around the muffin. All the effort, oh the pleasure!

Well I didn't quite get what the fuss is all about. It's just my first birthday folks. Lots more to come!

Mommy lighting the candle.

Tried as hard as I could, but I couldn't for the woof in me blow the candle out.

Daddy and I.

Mommy and I.

Aunty and I.

Birthday hat and I.

Bored now.

Reaching for the chewy!
Daddy and Mommy are evil. Why? They like teasing me, and watch me suffer as I try desperately to reach for my chewy. But hey, I just discovered that, if I concentrate really hard, I can stand on my hind legs for a few seconds! Perhaps I can pass off as a human if I work really hard on it.
Monday, August 06, 2007
Going through Daddy's bag
I'm a naughty dog. I like rummaging through Daddy's bag and running away with a large piece of paper (often with important documentation) in my mouth. Concerned about my klepto habits, Daddy planted a trap for me last month.

I was still completely oblivious to Daddy's presence.

Oh no! Busted!

Hungry with the capital H

I'm fed twice a day, in the kitchen. At 11am and 9pm. Some days, when Daddy, Mommy and Aunty aren't around, I'm fed only once a day. I get by, coz on days I get only one meal I'm often at home mostly, and don't get to go out. One meal is enough. I'm never under-fed though. Which is great, as I always seem to find enough energy to play Fetch.
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
Sniffing the cool winter air
Another habit I've developed - mostly out of boredom - is sticking my head out into the balcony, looking up into the dreary Melbourne sky and sniffing the cold air. Have you tried it? Really, it's quite therapeutic. Daddy caught on with it and reckons it's a rather dull gig. Oh whatever, Daddy.

Though, I got to say, sometimes other parts of the apartment does appeal to me more so. Strangely, I only feel that way when Daddy's out taking weird pictures of me.

Look at me and my throne!
As Daddy, Mommy and Aunty are out most parts of the day, I've developed a really curious relationship with the lounge sofa. I like nothing more than to sleep and spread my limbs out regally on it like a King. When the family's home watching a DVD in the lounge, I hate having to fight for a seat on the couch!
Here's a quieter moment of me and my throne.

Playing with Daddy
Daddy spends most of his days in front of his computer and rarely plays with me the way I like it best - out in the park. However he does enjoy play wrestling with me and tossing the tennis ball. I got to say, it's not the best, but I thoroughly enjoy running, chasing and cosying up with him!

Staring at the rabbit
Telly the rabbit always arouses my curiosity. I can't quite understand him. He sits all day in his hutch doing his rabbit things and never talks to me. As much as I'd like to eat him, I'd much prefer watching him go about his rabbity ways. As Daddy and Mommy calls it, I watch Telly through the Viewing Gallery - just a glass that separates the balcony from Aunt Crystal's room.

Another Big Day Out
Daddy and Mommy don't bring me out too often these days what with the smack in the middle of winter and cold and wet bit. But when we do, we are out the entire day. Daddy had the good sense to put my little hoody on for me when we went out one fine day several weeks ago.

Yeah, winter does make one fat. I get sleepy in trams as well. Woof!